Cindy Fazzi

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Writing Contest: Ink Smith Publishing Launches First Annual Book Awards

Ink Smith Publishing is seeking entries for its first annual contest—the 2015 ISP Book Publishing Awards—for unpublished science fiction, horror, and fantasy manuscripts written in English. The publisher will pick a first-, second-, and third-place winners for each of the three genres and give away a total of $4,000 worth of prizes, which include a three-year publishing contract and a full marketing campaign and book tour.

Writing Contest Guidelines

The contest will run until Nov. 1, 2015. Winners will be announced on Dec. 1, 2015. You can check out the contest guidelines here.

The California-based company publishes 12 to 15 books a year. It accepts unsolicited manuscripts from unagented authors in these genres: general fiction, horror, science fiction, crime/mystery, thriller, adventure, fantasy

Read a related story about ISP here.