Cindy Fazzi

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Small Presses: 3 Publishers Accept Fiction and Nonfiction Submissions

The days are shorter, but the weather is nicer. It’s fall—are you ready to submit your manuscript? Check out these three small publishers that are open to fiction and nonfiction submissions.

Sunbury Press

This Pennsylvania-based publisher is looking for manuscripts in the following categories of fiction: historical, mystery/thriller, police procedural, detective, legal, horror, fantasy, science fiction, literary, romance, steam punk, urban, dystopian, metaphysical, and visionary.

Sunbury Press also accepts nonfiction manuscripts. “Our most successful categories have been history, biography, self-help, historical fiction, horror, police procedurals, and mysteries,” according to its Web site.

Check out its submission guidelines here.

Fahrenheit Press

Founded by publishing veteran Chris McVeigh, Fahrenheit Press specializes in crime fiction and thrillers. “We definitely won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but that’s just the way we like it. If we’re not ruffling some feathers, we reckon we’re doing something wrong,” the publisher said in its Web site.

Read its submission guidelines here.

Homebound Publications

Folsom Library-Nonfiction Sign

Homebound Publications boasts of “contemplative” literature and nonfiction works, or books that nourish the mind and soul. “We publish full-length introspective works of creative nonfiction, essay collections, travel writing, and novels,” according to the Connecticut-based publisher.

Homebound Publications publishes these imprints:

Hiraeth Press: nonfiction books on themes of conservation, contemplative ecology, natural history, place-based narratives

Owl House Books: full-length fiction on themes of coming of age, mythos, spirituality, exploration of cultures, human connection with nature

Read more about Homebound Publications here and click on an imprint to check out its submission guidelines.

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