Cindy Fazzi

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The Easiest Way You Can Help Save the Future of Arts & Literature

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH), which provide much needed resources to low-income communities in all 50 states, face the danger of complete elimination.  The Authors Guild is working with a host of literary and arts organizations to prevent the defunding of the two agencies. Support the guild’s initiative by signing a petition now. You don’t have to be a member to lend your name.

“The NEA and NEH account for only .003 percent of federal spending and are the only agencies that represent our thriving arts and culture. These organizations support countless authors, literary organizations, and artistic endeavors, and are particularly important because they allow the arts to flourish in geographic and economic areas otherwise underserved by the arts,” said the Authors Guild, the largest and oldest professional organization for writers in the U.S.

The guild advocates for authors on issues of copyright, fair contracts, free speech, and tax fairness.

Check Out Your State

I live in California, which has 162 NEA grants worth $4.3 million. You can check the number of NEA grants and the total amount your state receives here:

NEA State-by-State Projects

You can query specific NEH projects in your state here:

NEH State-by-State Projects

Read more about the Authors Guild’s initiative to help save the NEA and NEH.

Sign the petition initiated by the Authors Guild. You don’t have to be a member to sign.

Full disclosure: I’m a member of the Authors Guild.

Photo of UC Berkeley's Sather Tower by Cindy Fazzi, July 2016.