Cindy Fazzi

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Attention Genre Writers! 3 Small Presses Seek Unpublished Manuscripts

Genre fiction is also known as commercial fiction because of its wide reach and popular appeal. Check out these three small presses if you have a complete, unpublished manuscript in any of these genres—crime and thrillers, romance, and science fiction and fantasy. The following publishers accept submissions from writers without literary agents.

Seventh Street Books: Crime & Thrillers

Seventh Street Books, an imprint of Prometheus Books, is dedicated to publishing mystery, crime, and thriller novels. The press is based in Amherst, New York. It’s not interested in novellas, anthologies or nonfiction. For writers who are unagented, submit complete manuscripts via email.

Read Seventh Street’s submission guidelines.

BelleBooks: Mystery/Suspense, Romance, Etc.

BelleBooks, based in Tennessee, publishes up to 80 titles every year. When it was founded in 1999, it focused on Southern fiction, but it has since expanded to a number of genres, including romance, mystery/suspense, fantasy, and science fiction, among others. No simultaneous submissions from unagented writers.

Learn more about this publisher’s submission guidelines.

Pyr: Science Fiction & Fantasy

Pyr is a science fiction and fantasy imprint of Prometheus Books. It publishes speculative fiction, including steampunk, epic fantasy, sword and sorcery, and alternate history. The publisher prefers novels that are in the range of 100,000 words to 130,000 words.

Read Pyr’s submission guidelines.

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